734736- VirFree-RISE-2016 project
Nanobody workshop BIOREBA AG and CNRS
Date: 27.03.-28.03.2019
Place: Reinach, Switzerland
& Centre national de la recherche scientifique, CNRS (Group Christophe Ritzenthaler)
Denise Altenbach (BIOREBA)
Christophe Debonneville (BIOREBA)
Magdalène Kosfitskas (CNRS)
Vianney Poignavent (CNRS)
Christophe Ritzenthaler (CNRS)
Eliane Schnell (BIOREBA)
Dijana Stolz (BIOREBA)
Invited speakers:
Serge Muyldermans (VUB, University of Brussels)
Christophe Ritzenthaler and Magdalène Kosfitskas (CNRS)
Jean-Michel Hily (INRA Colmar)
Anne-Sophie Spilmont (IFV)
Jean-Sébastien Reynard (Agroscope)
Craig Douglas (SASA)
Wednesday, 27.03.2019 |
09:30 |
Arrival of participants; coffee and tea |
All participants |
10:00-10:15 |
Welcome at BIOREBA & Introduction |
D. Stolz |
D. Altenbach |
10:15-11:00 |
Nanobodies: The story of a serendipitous discovery |
S. Muyldermans |
evolving towards a worldwide applied technology |
yielding versatile research, diagnostic and therapeutic |
tools |
11:00-11:45 |
Nanobodies: a camel diet for plants |
C. Ritzenthaler |
12-13:30 |
Lunch |
All participants |
13:30-14:15 |
PhD project: |
M. Kosfitskas |
Nanobodies: The future for agro-diagnostics |
Introduction to the workshop |
14:15-15:15 |
Visit of BIOREBA laboratory |
All participants |
Start of practical workshop “Nanobody based ELISA” |
“Sample preparation & coating of the plate” |
15:30-16:00 |
Comparison of serological, molecular and HTS methods |
J.M Hily |
for Grapevine fanleaf virus detection in vineyard samples |
16:15 |
Departure to the hotel |
17:45 |
Departure from the hotel to Basel by tram |
18:15 |
City tour in Basel and dinner |
Thursday, 28.03.2019 |
09:00-09:30 |
Practical workshop continued |
All participants |
“Conjugation step” |
09:30-11:00 |
Presentations of invited speakers continued |
Validation in vines: Nanobodies against GFLV and ArMV |
A.S. Spilmont |
Grapevine redblotch virus, a recently described viral |
J.S. Reynard |
pathogen |
Pro & cons with monoclonal antibodies |
Craig Douglas |
11:00-12:00 |
Practical workshop continued |
All participants |
“Substrate incubation” |
12:00-14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00-16:00 |
Improvement of the GLRaV-2 DAS-ELISA |
C. Debonneville |
Implementation of Nanobodies in commercially available |
C. Debonneville |
diagnostic test kits. |
Data analysis and discussion |
All participants |
Departure |
VirFree brings together participants from both academia and privatecompanies to collaborate through their expertise on the following objectives
rfree, NGS, Nanobodies, Fruit tree viruses, viroids, virus elimination ,http://www.virfree.eu ,virfree,virfree.eu , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.